Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I had the amazing opportunity to direct and style the latest campaign for art & fashion event MEWS, produced by D.Y.D.H. Productions here in Montreal.
MEWS is a monthly fashion event held at Royal Phoenix Bar. It serves a platform of visibility for young artists and designers, and, at the same time, makes these two worlds accessible to the general public.
This shoot was to showcase the decreasing gender barriers in the fashion industry and promote unisex styling and wear.

The last image was shot live at the MEWS VII event on October 18.

Photography: Four Horns (Raphaelle Bob Garcia & Madelayne Hajek)
Art Direction/Styling: Garrett Naccarato
Model: Ariane Gagné

MUA: Tanya Courchesne & Catherine Desc
Hair: Joshimoto Kiotosan
Production: D.Y.D.H. Productions (Dina Habib & Danik Yopp)

The next MEWS event is happening Thursday November 15 at Royal Phoenix Bar